Hi, I'm Rifqi Pratama
I'm a Junior Backend Developer at PT. Akasia Code Digital (Mahaka X) with placement at Bank Artha Graha International. I work using Python programming language with the Flask framework, beside that I am also still learning to be a Full-Stack Developer with Tech Stack: NextJS, ReactJS, NodeJS, ExpressJS, NestJS, PHP Laravel & Go
What I Do
⚙Building Project
I'm active on Github for personal projects, sometimes I also work some client project
I often write about my projects or for summarize my learning results. I usually write on Hashnode or Medium.
⚙UI Design
I like UI design, sometimes I design some UI for my projects. I usually design on Figma.
⚙Playing Guitar
I'm guitar player, sometimes I play in band and play in coffee shop and sometimes I play solo.
Recent Post

Sunday, February 25, 2024
Analisa Jumlah TPS Janggal Aplikasi Sirekap Pemilu 2024
Tahun 2024, Indonesia melakukan proses pemilu untuk pemilihan presiden dan juga legislatif. KPU menggunakan dan memperkenalkan aplikasi Sirekap (Siste...